Sponsor A Nest

We now have two options for you to Sponsor a Nest! Please click on either Name the Nest or Adopt a Nest below to complete your sponsorship. Thank you for your support! **PLEASE NOTE: ANY NESTS ADOPTED OR NAMED AFTER AUGUST 15,  WILL BE ASSIGNED NESTS BEGINNING IN THE FOLLOWING SEASON.





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Click either "Name the Nest" or "Adopt a Nest" below to join us in their journey....

Name the Nest:

  • For a minimum contribution of $30, we will put a name of your choice on the back of a stake at a turtle nest site.
  • You will be informed of the location of the nest, and be provided a picture of the nest and the named stake.
  • We will also let you know the success of the nest via email.
  • The nests will be located on the Manatee County section of Longboat Key between 4141 Gulf of Mexico Drive and Greer Island.

**NOTE: There is a possibility that storms could wash away your nest and there is a possibility that no data is collected. Nests are checked daily, so we will provide you with as much information as possible in regards to the outcome of the nest.

Adopt a Nest: 

  • For a minimum contribution of $125, we will put a name of your choice on the back of a stake at a turtle nest site.
  • You will be informed of the location of the nest, and be provided a picture of the nest and the named stake.
  • We will also let you know the success of the nest via email.
  • We will send you a link to a special video, just for Adopt a Nest participants, with a special message from Longboat Key Turtle Watch. 
  • Once the excavation is complete and the nest stakes are removed, we will mail the actual stake and it will include a branded Longboat Key Turtle Watch logo and the year of the nest.
  • We will also include a Longboat Key Turtle Watch t-shirt with the stake.
  • The nests will be located on the Manatee County section of Longboat Key between 4141 Gulf of Mexico Drive and Greer Island.

**NOTE: There is a possibility that storms could wash away your nest and stakes, but every attempt will be made to salvage the stakes associated with your nest.

Your support helps to make turtle conservation and education a continued success story on Longboat Key! Thank you!